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Homemade Stain Remover For Different Types Of Stains

DIY Stain Remover can be effortlessly made at home, saving time and money. It's an easily customizable mixture comprising common household ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or dish soap. By using this, not only can you customize the mixture to target specific types of stains, but also limit your exposure to the harmful chemicals found in many commercial stain removers. DIY Stain Remover poses a sustainable and eco-friendly method for maintaining the cleanliness of your fabrics without compromising their longevity.

Simple DIY Stain Remover

To Make a stain remover that works, you need the following materials:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Dish Soap
  • Baking Soda
  • An Upcycled Sriracha Bottle (or any squeeze bottle)


  1. Measure your Ingredients: The ratio of the ingredients is crucial. You must combine three parts hydrogen peroxide with one part dish soap and one part baking soda. For instance, if you use a cup as a measurement, it would be three cups of hydrogen peroxide, one cup of dish soap and one cup of baking soda.
  2. Mix the Ingredients: Gradually add each component to the Sriracha bottle. First, add the hydrogen peroxide, then the dish soap, and finally, the baking soda. It could be helpful to use a funnel to avoid spillage while pouring the ingredients.
  3. Shake Well: Tightly secure the cap on the Sriracha bottle and give it a good shake to ensure the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. Application: Apply this DIY stain remover to the stains on your fabric. It is best to set it for an hour to break down the stain molecules effectively. However, for more robust and stubborn stains, you may need to let it sit longer.
  5. Washing: Once the stain remover has been set, wash your fabric as usual.

This homemade stain remover recipe is proven to work on a number of different stains, such as tomato sauce, grass, and grease stains. It's economical, easy to make, and friendly to the environment. However, it's always a good idea to spot-test a small, hidden area first to ensure the solution doesn't discolor your fabric.

Different Types Of Stain Removers Used In Daily Routine

Red Wine Stain

To remove red wine stains from fabric, dab the affected area with club soda to help lift the stain. Next, cover the soda-soaked stain with table salt and allow it to sit overnight. The salt will absorb the wine and turn pinkish as it works. By morning, the stain should be significantly reduced or completely removed.

Beer's Stain

To tackle beer stains on fabric, begin by soaking the stained area in cold water to help loosen the stain. Afterward, apply a pre-treatment stain remover directly onto the stain, ensuring thorough coverage. Finally, proceed to wash the fabric as usual. The beer stain should be successfully removed, leaving your item clean and fresh.

For Coffee And Tea Stain 

To remove coffee and tea stains from the fabric, dab the stained area with white vinegar before washing. The white vinegar effectively breaks down the tannins responsible for the stain, making it easier to lift during the washing process. After treating the stain with vinegar, wash the item as the care instructions recommend for a clean, stain-free result.

For Lipstick's Stain

First, gently scrape off any excess color from the surface using a blunt-edged tool like a butter knife or spoon to remove lipstick stains from the fabric. After removing the excess lipstick, pre-treat the stained area with a stain remover, ensuring it's well-covered. Finally, wash the item as directed by its care instructions, and the lipstick stain should be successfully eliminated, leaving the fabric clean and refreshed.

For Blood Stain

To remove blood stains from fabric, start by soaking the stained area in cold salt water for approximately two hours. The salt water helps to break down and loosen the blood proteins. After soaking, dab the stain with a mixture of half-strength ammonia and water to treat the affected area further. It's important to use cold water for soaking and dabbing, as hot water may set the blood stain into the fabric, making it difficult to remove.

For Foundation's Stain

For removing foundation stains from fabric, begin by spot-treating the stained area with dish soap. The dish soap helps break down the oils in the foundation, lifting the stain from the fabric's fibers. Rub the soap gently into the stain until it starts to lift. Once the stain has been treated with dish soap, wash the fabric on a hot wash cycle, if it's safe for the fabric, to effectively remove any remaining residue. The end result should be a clean, stain-free piece of fabric.

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